Our Teachers


Professora Rouxinol

Ana Costa entered into the world of capoeira over 25 years ago and her life changed course. Ana, who is known as Rouxinol — nightingale — in the world of Capoeira, found her passion in the physical, cultural, musical and linguistic facets of this rich African-Brazilian art form. She brings two and a half decades of trial and error as capoeira teacher and student to her system of instruction for both kids and adults, as well as her personal training with non-capoeiristas. 

Ana received her BA in architecture from Columbia University, and her certification in personal training through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She continues to hone her craft, studying the teachings and traditions of Mestre João Grande and Mestre Cabello. She’s often found standing on her hands (where she is happiest), or playing her berimbau & singing. A cross-cultural upbringing in rural Liberia, urban Kenya, and upstate New York, in addition to her diverse athletic training, inspire her dynamic, challenging, and creative classes. Her holistic approach to movement and fitness provide you with the ability to better understand your body’s potential; the tools to properly train it; and the skills to apply it in the context of the roda (circle) of Capoeira Angola.

Portrait of Mestre Cabello

Mestre Cabello

Mestre Cabello is an experienced master of Capoeira Angola & disciple of the great Mestre João Grande, ethnomusicologist Professora Emilia Biancardi and master drummer Jorge Alabé. Originally from Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, Mestre Cabello has dedicated the last 20 of his 40 years in the art to cultivating Capoeira Angola in Serra Grande, Brazil and around the world. He casts an attentive and respectful look at the codes and the rich repository of musicality, tuning, ritual and movement left by the old masters from the 1940's, 50's and 60’s via audio recordings, texts, photos and drawings. Seen through these lenses, the study of Afro-Brazilian culture is of vital importance to the recognition, understanding and appreciation of a complete capoeirista. Mestre Cabello approaches Capoeira Angola as a sustainable and nourishing practice for our whole selves: body, mind and spirit.  

  • "Rouxinol’s capoeira classes will not only improve your strength, balance and focus, but help you connect to your spirit and a community practice. She takes the time and care to study your technique and movement truly seeing you and helping you develop your skills and style. Class closes with everyone singing together and practicing playing capoeira instruments. You can feel a depth and seriousness of study in how Rouxinol approaches all aspects of capoeira."

    — Ellen B., Adult Literacy Specialist

  • "I love doing Ana’s classes! She pays such attention to detail, no matter how many students are in the class. Her classes helped me immensely during the pandemic, a source of routine and family during these times, in which I felt I was improving both my Capoeira and my mobility, and always with a sense of humor. I have never laughed so much while trying such hard moves, and still felt totally safe trying them! Ana is a great teacher, on and off screen.”

    — Danielle B.

  • “Since the first time I saw Rouxinol play capoeira, I knew I wanted to learn from her. It’s not only her skill in movement, but the way she speaks about the art, how passionate she is, and the deep respect she has for the many aspects of capoeira. She’s a natural leader who pushes you to uncover what you’re capable of, in a safe and welcoming environment, where community is created. Maybe most importantly, she reminds us to train, and train with joy.”

    — Kimberly T., Web Designer